Have you ever wondered why most churches serve coffee in their lobby before service?

It’s for the parents.

Honestly, Look at the coffee table next Sunday. Parents (including the occasional empty nester that got there early after their morning walk and leisurely breakfast.) Yep. Parents. For many of them it is the only opportunity they have had to drink a hot, full cup of coffee all week.

Each of these parents’ day started with intentions of enjoying their coffee while it was hot, but found it cold before they could finish it. Kids have a way of knowing when you pour your coffee. Then it is their time to shine…I mean whine. Where’s my sock? I don’t want cereal, I want Mac and cheese! Brother just looked at me and it hurt my elbow! Honey! When did you feed the baby mustard and sesame seeds?!?

Yes, if you are a parent it is (many times) a feat worthy of a gold medal to get kids dressed, fed and in the car ready to go to church. Multiple kids? You are looking at a Nobel Peace Prize nomination. Teenagers? Forget about it! And churches know this! Sometimes the lure of their hot coffee, always on the ready, is the only thing that keeps you going.

Now, all those without kids might be thinking, “uh…drive thru…duh!” NO!

Any parent with kids old enough to talk knows that you ain’t getting out of ANY coffee shop drive thru without a chorus of “I want a…” $75 later your coffee is still cold after you’ve passed back straws, napkins and contorted yourself into the position needed to reach the beloved sprinkled doughnut hole that rolled past the third row and is now bouncing around with three cheerios, two goldfish and part of last Sunday’s coloring sheet that your toddler just caught a glimpse of and is now wailing that it isn’t displayed proudly on the refrigerator.

So get yourself to church! Give over your children to people that actually WANT to play with them, love them and have a plan that includes breaking down some of those tough Biblical concepts. Give it a try. Come for the coffee…leave fully caffeinated and with happy kids. And if that wasn’t enough, you will get a chance to reconnect and recharge with Jesus. And that will definitely fill your cup.

Leane Cahoon | DKM Jr (Birth-Pre-K) Director. Wife. Mom. Friend.