G R O U P S + M O R E
We say this all the time at Northpark and we believe it. We want to worship with you on the weekend, but we know that growing in your relationship with Christ takes connecting with Him and others on a deeper level, and more than just once a week. That’s why all our NORTHPARK GROUPS & DISCIPLESHIP OPTIONS exist! Northpark currently offers Life Groups (groups that are ongoing, and continue to meet together through various studies) and Seasonal Groups (group Bible studies that meet for a set amount of time, typically 6-8 weeks). These discipleship opportunities give people the chance to develop friendships with others, as well as encourage spiritual growth and a deeper walk with God.
You’re invited to jump in and find an option that makes you feel right at home!
If you are not already in a Northpark Group (Bible Study), and you would like to be, you’re in the right place!
Currently, some Northpark groups are meeting online through Zoom. Other groups meet in person at member’s houses or restaurants or even at our Community Campus in Wake Forest (NP2), and some groups are doing a combination of online and face-to-face. Some weeks the meeting is more Bible study focused, some weeks it’s more socially focused, and some weeks the group leader combines both.
Groups usually include food and social aspects, sporadic service opportunities as a group, and of course scheduled time for studying God’s Word. No matter the group format, it’s a chance to stay connected to God and each other outside of just Sunday mornings.
If you would like to join one of our Northpark Groups, let us know!
Personal Growth
If we could say one thing to every person, it would be this:
Jesus loves you and He wants a personal relationship with you.
Growing in your relationship with God and others is incredible through the context of a Life Group, but that doesn’t take the place of your personal relationship with Jesus. We were created to talk with Him, learn from Him, learn about Him, and live like Him more and more each day.
Below are some options that hopefully will help you do just that.
There are so many great resources to make your personal relationship with Jesus come alive. These are just a few recommendations to get you started.