–  N O R T H P A R K  –

NEW IN 2023

Exciting things are happening in and through the Northpark Church family!

And just like in all things, seasons change, growth happens, and new things come forth. As Pastor Chris and Pastor Anthony said in the video above, a new season is coming to the Northpark family in January 2023, and we are excited to see what God has planned for our church as a whole, each of YOU as individuals, and our communities that we serve. The best is yet to come!


In one sentence or less – on January 22, 2023, Pastor Anthony will transition into the role of Leadership Development Pastor at Northpark, and Pastor Chris will transition into the role of Lead Pastor of Northpark.

In all things, we are committed to being led by God. Through prayer on Pastor Anthony’s part, prayer by Pastor Chris and his family, and of course prayer by the staff and Elders of Northpark, we found that this was a direction we felt God leading us in as a church family. Pastor Anthony felt a pull into a new season in his life to continue to be part of the Northpark family but in a new way that would also allow him to pursue dreams God has put on his heart in this season of life. Pastor Chris and his family also felt that pull of a new season, and this change will allow him to take the next step into God’s calling on his life.

This decision for change came through lots of prayer and guidance by the Holy Spirit throughout the past year and a half. Our team took every step in the process to the Lord, as well as consulted trusted mentors, coaches, the ENC Church of God State Bishop, as well as the Northpark Staff and Elders. 

As Leadership Development Pastor, Pastor Anthony will work with our staff and various ministry and Groups leaders one-on-one to help set goals, and personally develop in their God-given gifts as leaders. He will also provide leadership training and development to the Northpark family and our community throughout the year through a specialized group study/course on effective leadership. In addition to the leadership focus here, he will also travel to speak and offer that same growth through Biblical and general leadership skills to other churches, businesses, and individuals. He will also be working intentionally to move forward in the development of Northpark’s plans for permanent property & a community center. And, Pastor Anthony will continue to be part of the regular teaching team, speaking on Sunday mornings approximately one or more times per month. (Pastor Anthony would also like us to add that he will continue to give away balloons and swing kids in the lobby on Sunday mornings, as this is his most important ministry area at Northpark.)

As Lead Pastor of Northpark Church, Pastor Chris will develop and communicate the vision of Northpark as well as preach and teach the Word of God. He will be responsible for cultivating a culture of discipleship in our church family, oversee staff and ministry leaders, give general oversight to administrative, financial, and spiritual health of the church, and provide pastoral care to all those in the Northpark family. Pastor Chris will also play a major part in community outreach, leading Groups/Bible study leaders, and helping our church family grow as we become and continue to be life-long followers of Jesus. Pastor Chris will continue to serve as part of the teaching team, speaking on Sunday mornings approximately two to three times each month.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

If you have been part of the Northpark family in 2022, we believe you will find that a lot of things will look the same as they have been in the past year. For example, Pastor Anthony and Pastor Chris will both still share in teaching and preaching in our Sunday morning worship gatherings, and both are still available to help meet needs and provide pastoral care.

There will also be some things that are different as this transition takes place. As Pastor Anthony mentioned in the video above, while he and Pastor Chris are similar in a lot of great ways, they each also have distinct, God-given gifts that will be highlighted as they step into their new roles. Growth in numbers and spiritual depth, a hunger for God’s Word like never before, a new wave of community and connection, and unprecedented life-change are all things we expect to change. We are believing God for these things! Both of these men, as well as the entire Northpark staff, will continue to be available to the Northpark family throughout the week – for pastoral care, to celebrate, to pray, to meet needs, etc. We are all just an email, phone call, or text message away!

The vision and mission of Northpark will continue to be to help build life-long followers of Jesus. We will continue to prioritize family – in our homes and in our church – and we will continue to commit to our core values of connect, grow, serve, and go. While this transition isn’t usual or typically how staff changes take place in a church setting, we are excited to follow God’s leading and do a fairly new thing. We get to move forward with both Pastor Anthony and Pastor Chris as part of the Northpark family, AND we get to embrace a season of change with a sense of optimistic anticipation!

You can reach out to our team anytime! One of the quickest ways to do that is by sending us an email at info@discovernorthpark.com.